Is it to much for everything to be equal? I think that in Harrison Bergeron, that their talk about Equality is to much. They think that everything must be equal from brain power, to athletics. If you are a genius, or very athletic you will be handicapped to make it harder to think, or do athletics. I think it is alright for some things to be different, not everything needs to be equal. “A buzzer sounded in George’s head. His thoughts fled in panic, like bandits from a burglar alarm.” I feel like it is not fair for the smarter people to have to listen to sounds all day, for equality. I think that it is not equality in this situation, because the person still has the brain power, they just made it harder to use it, and you can eventually get used to the sounds. I think their solution to equality does not even work, I also don’t think that it is a good idea to have this much equality.

is it alright to trick people into think something else/brainwash? I think the Last Cuentista starting on chapter 10, the collector, who give all the people names Zeta brainwashed the people. It sounds like the people all have special jobs to do, and they do not remember anything from before the collector came, or at least most don’t. I think that it is not alright to do that, because everyone has memories of the past, that they want to remember for ever, getting rid of that, everyone will not have any memories, and they wont have anything to look back on. “Whatever this collector is I just have to convince hem long enough that I’m what they want.” she remembers things, and knows what he collector wants.

Asimov stories

I think Nightfall was a great story, but I found it extremely confusing. I think his stile of writing is good, but again confusing. The first dive of Sci-Fi was good, I am ready to learn more about Sci-Fi stories. Nightfall is a story about another place that has 6 suns, with beta being there weakest star. The people go mad with being in the dark for only a couple minutes. The story was super confusing, because I didn’t understand what was happening for most of the story. The six suns isn’t that confusing so solar systems have more than one star, but going mad in the dark, and the effects of the stars, was super confusing. I still am confused about what the stars did at the end. The story, also seemed to be kind of like us, just super afraid of the dark, and probably knew some things, that we don’t. In the story, they know that every 2,500 years it goes dark, and everyone goes mad, from the dark. I think it is philosophical, because they can’t understand darkness, or how to live in the dark, they think that they will go mad, and cause, them to burn all the cities, and eventually die from going insane/mad.

Another story, that Asimov wrote, was The Last Question. This story, was about these immortal people, that need energy to live. They have about 10 billion years left, before all the energy runs out, and they have no way to revert the stars coming back. This story had some confusing parts, but was way less confusing than Nightfall. They double in population every decade so eventually they will run out of room in the whole universe. They eventually have way to many people around, and will have to figure some way to continue fining space for people. They also kept asking this thing named multivac if there is a way to revert, and it always answered with insufficient data for meaningful info. it eventually found the answer, but all of the people were gone, it said LET THERE BE LIGHT! it’s theme is definitely philosophical, it is about death a the end, so I think the theme is philosophical

Predictions by 2057

I will predict 5 different things, nuclear war, computers, space, environment, and oceans. I think that no nuclear wars will happen by 2057, but I think it may come close to happening a couple times, like how it almost happened during the cold war. I think it may come close, but I don’t think one will happen, because of how bad the after effect will be. for my second thing, computers, I think that new technology is going to have a drought soon, and I think it will last around a decade, but than technology will start back up full force, and I think by 2057 computers will be so much better, and stronger, that we wouldn’t be able to comprehend the difference from now to 2057. for my third thing space, I think we will learn a ton of new stuff about space, I think we may find new planets that might be possible to be habitable, I don’t think we will actually move to a new planet by 2057, but I think we will find a planet that we could plan to move to in the future. a planet more habitable than mars, more habitable than any planet we have ever discovered so far.

for the fourth thing, environment, I think by 2057 thousands of species will loose there environment, and have to find new places to live, without warning. I also think that due to this that there will be lots of animals that will go extinct, by 2057. my fifth and final prediction is oceans, I think by 2057 we will learn, so much more about oceans than we do now, right now we only know around five percent of what is in our oceans, this gives us plenty of things to explore, and many new species to discover, and I think by 2057 we will have the technology to go deep enough to discover lots of new species, and lots of new places. We may find more creepier species, and we may find abandoned places, that somehow manged to get underwater. I think that our oceans is huge mystery that needs to be solved, so I think that we will solve most of the ocean, by 2057. I don’t think we will explore all of the ocean, but I think we will explore a good portion of it, and the part we don’t will just be the deepest parts, that we won’t have the technology for yet, to get there.

Contemporary Fantasy

I think the archetypes are important in Contemporary Fantasy Literature. Archetypes matter, because they show what all the charters, in a book/movie, really do, or what there role really is. In the Hobbit, Bilbo, is the Hero, This shows that Bilbo is a very important character, and without the archetype, it does not really show what all the characters do, or what there role is. Another example is Harry potter, which Harry is also a Hero, but without the archetypes, it may be hard to see peoples roles in the book/movie. I think without archetypes it is hard to understand the stories, and also hard to see there roles.

The reason why books/movies gravitate towards the same sort of story-line is because of how hero’s journeys work. the hero’s Journey always starts off in the ordinary world, with a call to adventure, they then later go to the magical world, and at the point they have task, and trials, which end up with a reward/treasure at the end, and they than go back home, and then restart the cycle, but in another story. This makes stories that are vastly different seem similar in the story-line. The Hobbit, goes through the Hero’s journey, with it starting in the ordinary world, with a call to adventure, and later going to the magical world, they have task, and trials, and end up getting there reward/treasure, although the story is very different from Harry potter. Harry Potter, also goes through all of this in his Hero’s Journey. I think that the reason story-lines always gravitate to the same thing over and over again, has to do with the Hero’s Journey.

Blog Prompt Norse Mythology

In Norse Mythology, it connects to today’s society, because it talks about how only people that are worthy may be part of Asgard. In today’s society, some people act badly or don’t try, clearly showing that they are not worthy of important things. I think mythical stories show up, to show that this may have happened in the past a really long time ago. When you hear a mythical story it usually mentions it was a really long time ago or has yet to happen. I think this is because if it says it was recent there would be very few people that believed it. also, think Norse Mythology begins near the beginning of life.

I think that Norse Mythology connects to some things in today’s society. In today’s world, most of the really successful people were nice and did things that made them seem worthy. This also shows most unsuccessful people fail to be nice, and fail to show that they are worthy of anything. This shows that Norse Mythology is mainly about the worthy. If you are not worthy then you fail, and can’t continue until you prove you are worthy. I also think that the story of mythology shows that it affects us, it talks about being worthy. It may make some people try to do good to make them seem like they are worthy of being successful. If it was not for Norse Mythology I think fewer people would try, to be good, and fewer people would be successful.